But then at a certain point you just have too much stuff. And it becomes a distraction to living your own life.
We were on the road all day, just kind of treasure hunting. We went on a quest to visit all kinds of thrift stores and on that particular day the three of us visited five of them.
If you go to thrift stores often enough, and search through the haze of old Xenos and IKEA stuff you will encounter small gems. Sometimes I find beautiful singles, beautiful vinyl records.
I often go to the thrift store. Yes I really like that.
I must say that I have become a bit more critical. I don’t allow myself to buy as much as I used to. A friend of mine inspired me to do this. Because, it’s a lot of fun to go through all the thrift stores and pick up all kinds of stuff. But then at a certain point you just have too much stuff. And it becomes a distraction to living your own life.
And then you become… well, not unhappy. But you create too much noise. So to restore peace, I am trying to get rid of my belongings. I am trying to declutter.