The Dutch are so different from the rest of the world.
Compared to my parents, I grew up in this society. And I have lived here all my life. The Dutch are so different from the rest of the world. If you compare them with the Arab culture, in the Netherlands it is actually about ‘just being normal’.
I don’t think that’s something that is necessarily bad. But I know that life can be approached differently — in a way that is really a lot lighter than the way things are done here.
For example in the music scene. When performing here in the Netherlands, the audience simply stands with their arms over each other. Like “Let’s see what you can do”. But in other countries the difference is huge. The audience just receives you.
And I’m just really curious about those different scenes. Just something different. And with the new music project I’m setting up, I’m sure there will come a day when I can travel with it. I’m going to Australia one day.